Defibrillator Servicing Melbourne

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An automatic external defibrillator is a medical device that is used on someone who has had a sudden cardiac arrest.
It works by scanning the heart to determine whether a shock is needed and delivers that shock automatically to help the heart return to its normal rhythm.

At NKM we understand that as a life saving tool your automatic external defibrillator (AED) needs to be regularly checked and inspected to ensure that it is in working order. When a person suffers sudden cardiac arrest every minute can make a huge difference to their survival. Knowing this every workplace should have a defibrillator and ensure that it is well maintained and easily accessible.

According to the Australian Resuscitation Council there are no regulations in Australia for defibrillators although it is regarded as “good practice” for them to be available in the workplace. It is also regarded as “good practice” for defibrillators to be serviced regularly to ensure that they are ready when needed.

Our technicians are available to assist you in installing an AED in your workplace and can guide you through each and every step necessary.

  1. Choosing a location – it is essential that you choose a visual location and one that is easily accessible. Clear signage also needs to be provided
  2. Setting the AED up – Defibrillators are not immediately activated and ready for use when first purchased. Our technicians will guide you through the process needed for activation.
  3. Staff training – is vital to ensure that your employees are aware that the AED is available in your workplace and also these employees should be given a demonstration on how it is used. NKM has skilled trainers to assist you to do this.
  4. Maintenance – Routine maintenance is required to keep the AED in proper working order. Defibrillator pads must be replaced once used. Pads and batteries have an expiry date, batteries can run out, and this is why it is essential to have them checked regularly.

These days defibrillators can be found in many locations, ie supermarkets, sports facilities, schools, offices and more and because they are such life saving tools they need to be serviced regularly.

This is where the experienced team at NKM comes in. As part of our customer service we will come to your site at a prearranged time, inspect your defibrillator and make any adjustments necessary and make sure it is in \ working order giving you the assurance you will always be prepared for a medical emergency.

Our technicians will check and give you a report on –

  • Functionality testing of defibrillators and connections to check for any damage.
  • Battery and pad check and recorded for compliance purposes and replacement dates

It is vitally important that your defibrillator is able to be used when needed. It will always be an urgent situation and you need the peace of mind knowing that your defibrillator is regularly monitored, maintained and ready to go.

Although at this stage there isn’t an Australia wide mandate for AEDs there is no way to predict when a sudden cardiac arrest may happen in your workplace. They happen almost instantly with very little warning whether a person is young or old, fit or unwell. With this in mind NKM believes that every workplace should have a defibrillator easily accessible to their staff.

Our regular maintenance includes:

  • Inspecting the electrode pads and battery for expiry dates
  • Inspecting the AED so it showing the correct indicator light for use
  • Inspecting the AED case and accessories for the correct equipment, ie patient prep pack, razor, face shield and scissors.
  • Inspecting the wall cabinet to ensure it is easily accessible and in good condition.

Our team has one goal, to make your workplace a safer place to be.

Contact us at NKM by phone or email today to speak to us regarding our defibrillator servicing and battery and pads replacement service. We will come to your workplace and check your defibrillator with the least amount of disturbance and downtime.